An Open Letter To Zach Bush About Impact Agriculture

January 6, 2020

Dear Dr. Bush,

I spent some time last weekend watching the interview you did with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children’s Health Defense. I was dismayed to hear that you had embarked on an impact-investing venture, The Human Resiliency Fund. For those who haven’t yet seen it, your discussion of the fund and related projects starts around timestamp 35 minutes.

ICV the entity that houses the fund you manage, has an office in Philadelphia where I live. So this is personal for me. I get a sense that you’re the type of person who prefers not to think ill of anyone or group – always the optimist. For that reason, I want to offer you insights from my research into human capital bond markets. I hope it will open your eyes to the landscape in which you are operating.

Update – it seems the video is not longer available on the Children’s Health Defense website. If you have instagram, you can access it here.

Source Bush Bio

ICV’s Philadelphia Office is in the Cira Center where the first “Total Impact” Conference was held in 2018.

You can see me here protesting the second “Total Impact” conference. I felt it was my duty to tell these investors that humans are not things to be impacted. That concentrated wealth running through the bodies of the poor only enriches social entrepreneurs and does not redistribute wealth to those most in need.

I see Robert Smith, founder of ICV and fifth generation investment executive, is a member of the President’s Leadership Council of Thomas Jefferson University.

ICV hosted a health innovation conference in Philadelphia in 2017 with Jefferson Health System. In the world of Jefferson “health,” emergency room treatment means being seen by a doctor on a screen – this is in the seventh largest city in the nation. They bought Philadelphia University to expand their research into wearable technology – perfect for the shift to the Internet of Bodies. Their Health Design Lab collaborated with a local landscape architecture firm, Studio Ludo, to redesign Waterloo Playground. It is located in West Kensington at the epicenter of the heroin epidemic. The design process involved getting local children to put on fit bits and be tracked as they used the site under drone surveillance.

You know – to figure out how best to redesign the space.

Not creepy at all – eye roll.

Based on your interviews I cannot imagine this is the type of treatment you would endorse. And yet it exemplifies the approach global health innovators take with vulnerable children – to them these kids are merely sources of data to be harvested by Internet of Things sensors. In the coming years will poor children be expected to “earn” their playground access with demonstrations of improved health data? Yes, that is the plan. I know this because I know about the Heckman Equation.

I know that in an oak paneled room at the University of Chicago (it’s always the Chicago Boys) a Nobel prize winning economist by the name of James Heckman was paid by George Soros to conjure up a formula that said investing in children would yield a 7-10% rate of return, but that it could bump to 13% IF you included health data.

So that is why we’re going to have “smart” playgrounds fitted out with sensors and QR codes. I confronted Patrick Morgan, who used to work for the Knight Foundation that awarded Philadelphia its first Internet of Things grant and is now deputy commissioner of strategy for Parks and Recreation, about this at May 2019 ribbon cutting for playground renovations at Columbus Square. I was there as part of the protest.

I told him we must address the ethics, or lack thereof, inherent in the Heckman Equation and human capital finance, because if we don’t poor kids will pay for their playgrounds in health data. He didn’t say I was wrong. He was just surprised that I knew about the Heckman Equation. We aren’t supposed to know Dr. Bush. We aren’t supposed to know. But I do know, and that is why I must tell you, and that is why you must tell others, because it is barbaric.


Impact investing is the foundation for “stakeholder capitalism” being rolled out by the World Economic Forum. Under the guise of benevolence, companies are re-branding themselves B Corps or Benefit Corporations and laying claim to a new arena – The Fourth Sector. The Fourth Sector provides the infrastructure by which the government can outsource public benefits – education, healthcare, housing, and nutrition. Everything is about to shift to public-private partnerships where the poor are commodities to be managed in order to profit global investors.

Pay for Success finance uses predictive profiling to reframe humans as potential burdens on society. It is a way of abstracting the sacredness of human life as debt products that can be traded on global markets. The premise of human capital bond markets rests on monetizing some negative externality – special education, re-incarceration, unemployment, addiction, or chronic illness. The latter category includes heart disease, asthma, and diabetes. I speak on this in depth in a recent interview with Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo.

Sweden just embarked on the world’s first Health Impact Bond focused on diabetes in partnership with Social Finance UK and Social Finance Israel. This project is being carried out in connection with United Nations Development Goal 3, Health. I am including a map below outlining the complexity of this project as it relates to global investment in wearable tech, mHealth, smart fabrics, and DNA nudge bands tracking food purchases.

Unfortunately I cannot link to the original map, because administrators of the website found my research too problematic and removed the 350+ maps I meticulously prepared over the past three years. Apologies for the inadequacy of the resolution here. It should suffice to say that the World Economic Forum’s plan to set up our bodies as sites of profit and data extraction is proceeding apace and as the manager of an impact portfolio you are caught up in this odious transformation whether you know it or not.


Governments are developing outcomes-based contracts to outsource services to non-profits that provide “evidence-based” solutions to populations deemed at risk. The non-profits secure investment in their programs, and when the success metrics are met, investors are paid back plus a portion of the cost savings as a return on their investment.

In the medical field these metrics are being framed as a value-based model. While on the surface this may seem better than fee-for-service, in reality it will redefine “health” as only that which can be represented narrowly on a data dashboard. Just as a third grade reading score is no true measure of a child’s education, a person’s BMI or blood glucose level is no true measure of their health. In the world of pay for success both must be reduced to data, because the driving force is the need to channel transnational global capital through our bodies. They have weaponized social determinants of health.

You get a sense of this in the language used around the humanitarian program “Every Woman, Every Child.” These two screen shots were taken from a report by USAID titled “Unleashing Private Capital For Global Innovation.” Robert Smith, founder of ICV, was among the investors interviewed as part of the creation of this document. All the heavy hitters were on board with it including Global Impact Investment Network, The United Nations, The Rockefeller Foundation, and Sir Ronald Cohen, father of British Venture Capital and creator of the first social impact bonds.


They speak of women and children using phrases like “scaling innovation” and “marketplace efficiency,” “brokerage platforms,” “licensing partners,” and “tailored support for network clusters.” This is not the way you speak of the care you provided birthing mothers and dying elders. You would not speak of scaled innovation or vetted portfolios or cluster strategy. This is the language of central banks that would capture the life essence of our friends, family, and neighbors and transform it into a bond of indebtedness. The San Francisco Federal Reserve has taken the lead in developing these markets, which target the very populations you want to help.


You speak of bringing soil back to life, of the complexity of the microbiome. Which is why it was so jarring to hear you speak of Alegria Farms, which is a tabletop growing venture backed by Bank of America. This is no farm; it is a parking lot garden. SoilSoxx are not regenerative. This is no ecosystem; it is a temporary installation in a parking lot. You can try and paint this as innovation, but it is at best a band-aid.

Source Alegria Parking Lot “Farm”

The fact that it’s in a food pantry parking lot speaks to the corruption inherent in the system. How many people did Bank of America put out of their homes? How many families were destabilized by this company’s foray into structured debt finance – legalized gambling? What will that look like when the new forms of structured finance are HUMAN capital bonds? What will it mean to compel people on food assistance to scan their purchases and earn behavioral scrip? What of these DNA Nudge Bands? No amount of organic baby kale is going to remedy the harms caused by institutions that prey upon the weak.

Source DNA Nudge Band

Source SNAP Diagram


How many impact deals is Bank of America prepared to squeeze out of this local urban farming project? A project that seems to be more about plastic containers and irrigation systems – a project in keeping with the larger Agenda 21 plan to push people off the land into compact urban centers.

Will they link Alegria Farms to a diabetes health impact bond? How about a workforce training impact bond – with a side of free labor where people can earn skills badges? Perhaps an early childhood education impact bond if it’s installed at a school? Or an anti-recidivism bond if it’s placed in a prison? Or perhaps a mental health impact bond if it’s in a rehabilitation center? You see that is how impact investors think. How many verticals can you integrate as you are scaling disruptive innovation?

Is this what the farmers of India are fighting for? No, it is not. They are caretakers of the land. They are healers. They are standing strong in spirit to preserve an authentic relationship to the land. Are they pitching plastic vertical gardens and special soil in tubes? No. Food is part of a web of relationship, an ecosystem not a factory. We have to be clear in our intention. We have to be very, very clear.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution that is advancing on the heels of Covid is a program to remake the earth as a machine controlled by artificial intelligence, automation, and synthetic biology. This is not a deep state conspiracy theory. I wish it were, but it is not. This Great Reset is a catalyst for what the Japan Science and Technology Agency is advancing in its Moonshot R&D program, Society 5.0 or Cyborg Avatar Capitalism. The aim is to create a society where humans are “free from limitations of body, mind, space, and time by 2050.” In a word they are aiming for most of humanity, besides the billionaire class, to be virtualized and disconnected from the earth for our own good. And this new world has to be coded. The synthetic biology agenda must be advanced. Slowly the world will be remade as data. Remaking the food system is a part of that.

Source Cybernetic Avatar Society

You know what would be truly revolutionary? It would be to step away from Bank of America’s table. Step away from the prospect of converting Bill Gates to being a good guy. Step away from the allure of scaled innovation, because such things undermine that which you’ve built your reputation on – your sense of the sacred and the spirit. The poor deserve better than a parking lot garden next to the train tracks where they buy their food with nudge bands and their children have to wear fit bits on the playground to earn food credits.

Life isn’t a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal commodity.

It’s a cherished gift.

You should tell that to Robert on your way out.


58 thoughts on “An Open Letter To Zach Bush About Impact Agriculture

  1. Alma Tierra says:

    Dear Alison, THANK YOU for another amazing analysis of what is being done to us & of what is being planned for us. (All of which we are in the process of successfully and civilly-disobediently derailing and replacing with True Human & Spiritual Interdependence, Caring & Love!). I gently direct you to the typo in the title. Also, in the paragraph that begins: “ICV hosted a health innovation conference in Philadelphia in 2017 with Jefferson Health System …” a few sentences later, there is this: “They bought a Philadelphia University to expand their research into wearable technology – perfect for the shift to the Internet of Bodies.” Hope you’re able to edit that sentence for clarity. Again and most of all, profound thanks and respect to you, for all you do!

  2. Jenny says:

    Alison I didn’t know you existed until your recent conversation with Sayer Gi. The information that you brought to light is very difficult for me to understand, yet there is a quickening in my spirit that tells me I must be patient and keep showing up to learn. The opening of my awareness is painful, yet I wouldn’t have it otherwise. Without the resulting growth, I would not be honoring my part of the collective human spirit. Thank you for using your gifts to remove the scales with which we are blinded.

  3. Gary Weglarz says:

    Thank you Allison. Apparently 500+ years of the “Holy Inquisition” wasn’t enough of a “great reset” for Western oligarchy as it attempted to eradicate what was then left of European tribal and collective land based peasant identity. Now we’re off and running into yet another oligarchic imposed ‘great reset’ where it appears our ‘betters’ will attempt to eliminate the very last vestiges of our humanity, our collective bonds and identity and any real connection to Mother Earth. Our only hope is “heresy” and a willingness to stand together with each other and the natural world in opposition to this madness.

    • alma tierra says:

      Gary, well-said! Just please remember to include that, after the Western oligarchy “attempted to eradicate what was then left of European tribal and collective land based peasant identity,” they then jumped in their sailing ships (fitted with cannon, invasive animal species & lots of germs!) and plied the seas in search of indigenous peoples on every continent (except Antarctica), upon whom the Western oligarchs (and their minions) enthusiastically and arrogantly unleashed genocide, cultural destruction, slavery and wholesale theft of others’ lands. And now, they’re coming for everyone else. But I truly believe, even if it takes us until the 11th hour and the 59th minute and the 59th second, we will prevail in freeing ourselves from this macabre scenario. And we do it starting now, in every thought we hold (positive & strong!) and every action we take (financially, politically, professionally, personally, etc.). To our freedom!

  4. Ryan says:

    Yessss. Clever. And, thank you! I am going to share this and some other resources from NTT with my local community action group and lead a conversation here to start spreading the word.

    I’m so sorry to hear of the deletion of your maps!

    Digital Twin Computing:

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  5. Eric says:

    Thank you so much, for ALL of the work you do, Alison. You are TRULY a breath of fresh air and hope in the chaos that these last months have brought upon us…

    You are the ultimate “dot connector” for Humanity 🙂

  6. robingaura says:

    Thanks again, Alison. I have followed Dr Bush´s work, and recommended it to many people. I took an online class from him through the Thinking Mother´s Revolution. My family has benefitted from his product, Restore. I’m really concerned about this connection. I hope he was duped, as so many have been by these sophisticated PR campaigns. Now that you have alerted me to the buzzwords and investment capital angle, I note that many of my very altruistic friends in my spiritual community have reposted these heinous projects as beneficial, hopeful ways to proceed in the future.
    After Taking Dr Bush´s class some years back, I wanted to study more with him about the gut biome. He offered a very pricey training. That didn’t smell right to me at the time. From a spiritual/shamanic viewpoint, I think it is a general rule that if they are charging for knowledge, its not the real deal. I have always given teachings freely, as my teachers have done. If its holy, if its in response to a genuine need, it is priceless, by definition.
    I look forward to Zach´s response. I also commit to overcoming my reticence in calling out friends and colleagues who are similarly duped by a truly evil agenda. We can create a world where needs are met, the earth is honored and restored, and we live in harmony with all beings. It begins with respect, for self and others.
    Thank you so much for your work.

  7. Curtis says:

    Great write-up Alyson. I hope Dr. Bush will see it. It’s so easy to be fooled by this “doing well by doing good rhetoric.” I can’t help but wonder if people in the world of Human Capital Investment try to seek out “thought leaders” like Zach Bush who people look up to, and try to get them on board. And I agree that the desire to not see anyone as evil, and to not “demonize” anyone leads us to withhold the critical scrutiny that some things deserve. I’ve never said that Bill Gates is a “bad person,” but he and the uber rich and powerful in his circles do things which cause real and significant harm, and this can be easily demonstrated, as you so skilfully do.

    • Sridhar says:

      Extremely suspicious indeed. And we know RFK Jr. is also very much part of the ‘not-so-obvious’ establishment. He is actually pro-vaccine from what I understand.

      • Judith says:

        Robert Kennedy, Jr has stated many many many times that he is not “anti vax”. Neither is he “pro vaccine”. He is for SAFE, Efficient vaccines. Children’s Health Defense of which he is chair has done an enormous amount of work in exposing big pharma. It is an open site, so I would suggest giving it a read to become more familiar with how RFK, Jr feels about the vaccine situation.

        • Sridhar says:

          Hi! I understand and appreciate where you are coming from. I am quite familiar with his work. Terms such as ‘safe vaccines’ and ‘efficient vaccines’ are oxymorons. They should just be called quackccines or toxccines. They are based on the scientifically meaningless and bankrupt germ theory. I would feel much more comfortable if RFK Jr. and other warriors such as Del Bigtree and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny were much more familiar with the history of Pasteur-Bechamp, Gaston Naessons, Rife, Rudolf Steiner, among others, and ancient healing systems. Contagion is a myth and we need to call it out and end this medical martial law. There is no room for half-truths any longer. I hope you agree. Thanks

        • Ryan says:

          I agree, and am a paying member of CHD. However, they will not allow me to post Alison’s blog posts on the Defender’s comments section. I have tried numerous times despite identifying myself as a member. I wish he would move off the fence and open up his platform to the larger message about the SGDs. This has me thinking of revoking my CHD membership.

          • robingaura says:

            Hi Ryan, I am also a member of CHD. I have contacted them directly about Alison´s blog, as well as, unlimited, and the work of Proffessors Peter Gariaev and Konstantin Meyl, concerning discoveries in communications and health that I see as game changers.
            I appreciate the courageous stances they take, and the litigation on issues like vax and 5G. They are censored and marginalized enough already. I have to trust them to strategize, and choose their battles.
            And to Sridhar, I agree that vaccines are not for me and my family. I think that the functioning of the immune system is via acute reactions naturally, and vaccines tend to create chronic reactions that do not allow for normal development of the immune system, especially when there are so many given. Its a huge topic, and there is room for many diverse opinions.
            I´m willing to inform, withhold judgement on Dr Bush, and see how things develop.
            In solidarity,

        • lynn bradbury says:

          i agree. rfk,jr has explained his determination not to distance/cut off those favoring vaccines in his outreach, so as to give them benefit of educating themselves with true information so generously, consistently proffered by the amazingly helpful lynn bradbury

    • JayTe says:

      I would kindly say that every person is not going to agree with everything that you believe to be true. What is important is to respect people’s opinions and be open to debate them without attacking them or assuming that they have sinister agendas. I think that the open letter is a good start to helping to give people like Zach Bush a different perspective that he may not be aware of. You may in the end of the dialogue agree to disagree. But you may also decide to align on certain things that you agree on. Let’s not fall into the trap of doing what those who are intolerant of other views are doing. All the best!

  8. Karen Bracken says:

    Oh Alison you once again never cease to amaze me. So sorry to hear about LilSis shutting down your account but this is what we all have been up against for many, many years. I cannot wait to see if he responds to your letter. I am also glad to see you acknowledge Agenda 21. The SDGs are just an expansion of Agenda 21 MDGs.

    We were warned many decades ago that we have a Constitutional Republic if we can keep it and Americans fell down on the job. Ronald Reagan warned us about how delicate our freedom is and once lost would never be regained. JFK warned us of secret societies. Many activists including myself have been warning people for many years about the dangers lurking in dark meeting rooms about our pending slavery. But while many listened not many were willing to do anything. I looked at you laying down in the streets and out writing on the sidewalk in front of meetings in which you could not enter. YOU fought back but sadly too many were more than willing to let you do the work they did not have the courage to do. The end of our republic is upon us now. The WEForum has their conference set up for the end of January and again in the spring to start the implementation of the Great Reset. I wonder if when the UN starts confiscating Americans money and private property (and don’t forget your body and your mind/thoughts are private property too and they will confiscate both) will that be the point Americans fight back. It will be “Too little too late.”

  9. Phoenix – Canada – In the process of re-creating herself after leaving the family religion, Phoenix is an avid reader of self-help books in the areas of Spirituality, Meditation, Shamanism, and Natural Healing Modalities that she has found helpful on her evolutionary path.
    Phoenix says:

    I talked to grad students on the street, who were working un-knowingly for Monsanto’s Sustainable Farming initiative, raising money for Monsanto to bring GMO farming to Africa’s women. The grain is GMO, meant to kill the fertility of women. Strange that the money was going to Monsanto, and not the African women who were living in poverty and could never get out of poverty by trying to grow Monsanto’s crops. Their crops and ways of growing is by design, to remove farmers from their farms. Monsanto’s farming brings farmers into DEEPER poverty, by trying to keep up with all the chemical treatments to keep their crops alive. Also, installing irrigation systems which would ultimately bankrupt the already impoverished farmers. I think I woke up one grad student. Whether or not it would stick as soon as she went back to class is another story. University courses have answers to all the student objections. In the city, most kids do not understand how farming works to begin with. Monsanto has over-written nature with all their toxic chemicals. It’s all by design to enrich Monsanto and impoverish the farmers. Ultimately, Monsatan will take the land over once the farmers are broke. This breaks my heart. I grew up on an organic farm and understand. Not sure city people could even comprehend. Monsanto knows how to spin their crops to sound workable, but in truth it’s meant to destroy the farms.

    • almatierra says:

      Phoenix, thanks so much for speaking up for African women farmers, the Earth, and all of life! I grew up in the country, and the Earth & Sun claimed my heart & soul! As an adult, I’ve studied, trained in and continue to practice and support organic farming, biodynamic agriculture and permaculture. These practices all evolved from the original indigenous human understanding of how to live in harmony and balance with our Earth and our plant and animal relatives. And by living in this way, our indigenous ancestors did and we now also respect our own sanctity as well. I am actively encouraging any and all who can make the decision and take the action, to do a 180 degree turn, and decisively change your life from supporting and being entangled in that which is against Life and against your own best interests, and to, instead, devote all your time and energy to returning to the land, growing your own food, and forsaking chemicals and an excess of electro-gadgets. I suggest doing this with a small number of other folks (in an “affinity group”), and once you’ve begun forming your affinity group, also make common cause with others in their affinity groups, so that we all have as much of an outer support network as we are able to create. Return to the land in whatever ways we can: squat (but also seek out the local indigenous people whose land it truly is, and humbly ask their permission to be there, and make common cause with them!), or purchase it outright, or form a land trust (my first choice). We do not have much time left, in which to take these actions. Please don’t delay. If anyone reading this is ready to do the 180 and return to the Earth wholeheartedly, you’re welcome to contact me: https www facebook com/mariadelmundo.1293 There, I write some things in spanish, but am happy to translate it for you if you ask. Here, alma tierra is short for: my soul is with the Earth. With whom or with what is YOUR soul aligned? Peace.

  10. Sunface says:

    I called out Dr Zach Bush a while back and was chastised by many of followers. I think it was a discussion on vaccines. I said he was part on the NWO agenda. I am now more convinced.

    Unfortunately, the GMO issue has been driven by Greenpeace and CropLife.
    GMO is not the same as DNA and RNA alteration. Yes, I am aware the filthy Bill had a vested interest in GMO. He also has a vested interest in lab grown meat. Plants are not human for starters.
    Do people remember the Golden Rice issue? Greenpeace tried to stop that.
    Golden Rice is a genetically modified form of rice that, unlike conventional rice, contains beta-Carotene in the rice kernel. Beta-Carotene is converted to vitamin A in humans and is important for eyesight, the immune system, and general good health. So is GMO therefore all bad?

    Yes the are Big Agri Giants and they have possibly the similar objectives as Big Pharma and vaccines,. Both are there to make money using Governments to help them create monopolies.

    However, GMO crops are an absolute necessity for African Crops success and food security. Pests and drought are a major threat to food supplies.
    In Africa Crops like Maize, Sorghum and Soya beans and cotton are absolute necessities for survival. GMO is not designed to destroy food but to improve yields by improving resistance to drought and pests –

    I would point the Organic people to two issues. Organic is fine for small scale production. Its market is essentially the luxury market. Large scale completive organic is very questionable. BTW, Organic farming also involves some lethal pesticides too.

    Organic is fine for those who can pick and choose because they can afford the luxury of being pickier in their choices because affluence is a great help.

    Many elites and many vegans believe they are somehow superior and be able to virtue signal. Sorry if you take offence at my statement. Sometimes the truth is inconvenient.
    Both meat and maize, wheat and rice are staples for us in Africa, we don’t all have a choice. For many it is survival first.

    One also needs to remember that there are NGO’s who also have a vested interest in GMO’s.
    There are also many NGO’s pushing for environmentalism causes to force collapse of democracy with unaffordable energy demands for example. i.e. NWO Renewables and somehow deforestation are okay, also for them Mining and destruction of the environment is ok to produce Solar and wind products even if they pollute and destroy the environment and use “fossil fuel energy” for the birth, construction, cradle to grave life cycle. There are always two sides to a story

    • alma tierra says:

      Dear Sunface & Everyone: Regarding GMO plants and foods, please get the following other side of the story, before believing that you fully understand GMO and its implications for human and planetary health. Read this book: “ALTERED GENES, TWISTED TRUTH.” It was published several years ago. It’s author is Stephen M. Druker, a well-educated person who spent years, meticulously researching the beginnings of GMO’s (the research of GMO’s began in about 1980) and bringing the information up to 2015 or thereabouts.

      Here’s a link to one review of the book:

      There are also several you tube videos, in which Mr. Druker speaks on the subject of the development and implementation of GMO’s in our food supply, and the dire implications of this. His book includes data on the practice by GMO’s developers to alter and suppress their own research results, to cover up the fact that they have known since early on, that GMO’s are lethally dangerous to mammalian health. And please bear in mind, that such alterations to DNA and the subsequent consumption of DNA-altered “products” will undoubtedly conform to the biological phenomenon of biomagnification or bioamplification: the ill-effects of the original genetic alteration will be compounded within subsequent generations of the offspring of the mammals (including humans) who first ingested or were first exposed in utero, to these altered GMO products. And the Long-term Effects of that magnification or amplification CANNOT be known until generations hence. And how many generations have been exposed to GMO’s since the 1980’s? Only two or three. Imagine what the ill-effects may compound into, in several more generations.

      Also, much vital information about the actual impacts of the application of GMO’s by millions of small-scale farmers to the Earth and to the human food supply, can be gained from reading any of the books written by Dr. Vandana Shiva, a physicist, ecologist and an activist on behalf of small farmers in India (her home) and on behalf of the health of the Earth (all our home). She has several websites, as her activism is quite dynamic, and covers farmers, education, and the development of a body of law by which to protect the inherent integrity of non-manmade creation: seeds, plants and the micro-organisms that impart fertility to soils throughout the world.

      • Sunface says:

        Well, can you point to one instance where a GMO crop or product has caused any damage to human life.
        You argment is based on emotion and not fact. We see it in your comment “non-manmade creation: seeds,” Man does not have the ability to create seeds. Man also does not have the ability to change the weather either. He can however attempt to make the best of it.
        So yes the are activists who have only one thing in mind to make allegations that are unfounded as does the Author of a book. His objective is supporting organics is it not. So I would suspect that he has a vested interest.
        And it is in the best interest of the survival of human kind to use the tools at ours disposal to make live better and bearable, especially if one is poor. The autor of the book and Shiva are neither, so its easy to make demands is it not.

        • robingaura says:

          To Surface, there is direct evidence from pig farms in Europe, that feeding animals with GMO foods results in many deformed and miscarried young. Also many health problems, including gut dysfunction, leaky gut, and many other systemic problems. By the third generation, many animals are sterile. So, extrapolate from there. We are mammals too. You may look at the work of Drs Stephanie Seneff (senior scientist at MIT) Anthony Samsel, Dr Thierry Vrain (genetic science and CEO of biotech company) Dr Don I forget his last name (professor emeritus Purdue U., plant pathology. Many others. Its really not in dispute that this stuff is extremely harmful.

          • Sunface says:

            The link to a paper will help. What you have provided is hearsay. It is unfortunatly the same tactic bieng used by the Organic Farming Industry as Greenpeace use – Its called scare tactics. Exactly what GMO foods were fed to the Pigs, because cattle are being fed GMO grains and this has not happened., Chickens too except Chicken Little, he was too busy running around headless without a squawk.

              • Sunface says:

                Well as I thought. All wind. You are unable to back up when asked to prove a statement or an assertion. The resonse is typically dismissive with the normal insult.

            • alma tierra says:

              Thank you, Phoenix and Robingaura. “Sunface” (or “Surface,” which I personally love!) is clearly a troll. So warmest thanks to Phoenix and to Robingaura, for supplying ample information with which any sincere person can research and follow up on what you’ve referred to. The truth will set us free! Eventually, if not sooner!

              • Sunface says:

                A troll, its again a typical response from someone that is so insecure and cannot back-up their own argument. Name calling. You missed the otherone alma terror and that is denialist. Your reponse is the same as your back-up. Extremely childish. No evidence just insults. Grow up please.

      • Phoenix – Canada – In the process of re-creating herself after leaving the family religion, Phoenix is an avid reader of self-help books in the areas of Spirituality, Meditation, Shamanism, and Natural Healing Modalities that she has found helpful on her evolutionary path.
        Phoenix says:

        I’m opposed to any “overwriting” of nature. Gene Editing and Genetically Modified Organisms are perfect examples of overwriting nature. Dr. Vandana Shiva, as far as I have seen is opposed to manipulating nature. She is intent on eradicating all traces of Monsanto’s products from India.

        Replacing plant medicines with Rockefeller’s Medicine is another example of overwriting nature using his oil industry discarded by-products as “medicine”.

  11. robingaura says:

    Thanks Alma, my reply wouldn’t post, but you covered it well. The golden rice had so little in it that one would have to eat several cups for a bit of vitamin that costs a few cents. Also Navdanya is Dr Shiva´s organization, which has debunked the claim that GMO crops produce more. Actually, small organic farms outproduce big ag, with a much higher nutritional content as well.
    An interesting note, Dr Peter Gariaev, who recently passed, discovered how genes really work, and why crisper and other gene technologies will never work. They are using an incorrect model. Genes actually express electromagnetically, and holographically. He healed mice of pancreatic diseases by beaming their healthy gene pattern for that organ via laser, and audio. Apparently you can tape the sequence, and listen to it to heal the organ. It may be the technology oligarchs are using for life extension. It certainly opens up non invasive healing therapies for the future.
    Working with the genius of nature, in vibrational harmony makes much more sense than all this expensive harmful tech approach.

    • alma tierra says:

      Robin, thanks so much! I just learned of that guy, too! But I’m taking so much new info these days, that it takes me some weeks to circle back around to some of it! So thanks again! Yes, Dr. Peter Gariaev figured it out. And it’s such a thing of beauty! In the source where I read about him, it also addressed the fact that what he figured out, is what Indigenous Shamans had figured out thousands of years ago. And that’s why, when shamans do healing ceremonies, they use singing and drumming of special songs and specific notes, harmonies, frequencies and rhythms, and they also transmit a particular vibration from their own body, into the body of the patient, which vibration is directed toward a particular area of the patient’s body. Shamans also include humility, gratitude and expression of love for all life, in their healing ceremonies, because they understand that all life is connected, on every level, and that any and all expression of gratitude and love, embues one’s surroundings (including one’s physical body) with grateful and loving positive energy. And those energies are the absolute most healing of all energies. Shamans understand that disease comes from an energetic imbalance, which could begin in one’s emotional state, or in excessive stress to the physical body. Any ongoing state of disharmony opens one up to physical manifestation of disease, or “dis-ease.” And so, gratitude and love for all life helps keep us in balance, in harmony, and free from pain, sickness and suffering.

  12. alma tierra says:

    RE: Ryan says:
    Yessss. Clever. And, thank you! I am going to share this and some other resources from NTT with my local community action group and lead a conversation here to start spreading the word.

    I’m so sorry to hear of the deletion of your maps!

    Digital Twin Computing:

    5G and 6G Evolution:

    I WASN’T ABLE TO CLICK ON RYAN’s COMMENT (dated January 6, 2021 at 10:49 a.m.), so I’m replying to it here. Thanks so much, Ryan, for providing a link to the “Digital Twin Computing” concept. I only just heard of it for the first time, here, on WITG. I downloaded the White Paper, and will read as much of it as I can stomach. But, in merely scanning the table of contents, I realized that the concept of Digital Twin Computing is based on the creation of and interaction with and within NON-REAL digital illusory environments. Such environments are NOT REAL. And after 4 years of repelling Lies repeated as Truth, I think most of us can agree on the vital important of our choice of words. Words can be used to confuse and deceive folks, and to conflate one thing for another. For those reasons, I want to offer a much more truthful and accurate alternative to the phrases “augmented reality,” and “virtual reality.” My truthful and accurate term for such euphemisms is this: DIE, which stands for Digital Illusory Environment(s). Because, ever since I learned, years ago, about websites on which one can create and then populate one’s own “virtual community” or “virtual world,” I thought to myself, why would (especially young) folks be encouraged and enticed to throw away what for some amounts to years of their lives, to spending time in a NON REAL ENVIRONMENT, expending one’s life energy on creating and animating “avatars” and illusory environments, when all our energies, efforts and innovative ideas are needed HERE, in the REAL WORLD, to help us transform our current reality into a future that is much more positive, peaceful and abundant for everyone. So I say, don’t call it “virtual reality,” because it’s NOT A REALITY AT ALL. What it is, is a Digital Illusory Environment (DIE). And if you waste your time there, you will definitely DIE. You will have wasted much of your life energy and your life-time, on something that is NOT REAL LIFE. You will have spent your life “DIE”ing. And what kind of life is that?

  13. alma tierra says:

    APOLOGIES FOR POSTING THIS 2X. I was trying to get it to post so that folks can Reply to it if they want, and won’t have to go through the contortions I just went through, to Post a Reply to Ryan’s Post (January 6, 2021 at 10:49 a.m.)

    RE: Ryan says:
    Yessss. Clever. And, thank you! I am going to share this and some other resources from NTT with my local community action group and lead a conversation here to start spreading the word.

    I’m so sorry to hear of the deletion of your maps!

    Digital Twin Computing:

    5G and 6G Evolution:


    I WASN’T ABLE TO CLICK ON RYAN’s COMMENT (dated January 6, 2021 at 10:49 a.m.), so I’m replying to it here. Thanks so much, Ryan, for providing a link to the “Digital Twin Computing” concept. I only just heard of it for the first time, here, on WITG. I downloaded the White Paper, and will read as much of it as I can stomach. But, in merely scanning the table of contents, I realized that the concept of Digital Twin Computing is based on the creation of and interaction with and within NON-REAL digital illusory environments. Such environments are NOT REAL. And after 4 years of repelling Lies repeated as Truth, I think most of us can agree on the vital important of our choice of words. Words can be used to confuse and deceive folks, and to conflate one thing for another. For those reasons, I want to offer a much more truthful and accurate alternative to the phrases “augmented reality,” and “virtual reality.” My truthful and accurate term for such euphemisms is this: DIE, which stands for Digital Illusory Environment(s). Because, ever since I learned, years ago, about websites on which one can create and then populate one’s own “virtual community” or “virtual world,” I thought to myself, why would (especially young) folks be encouraged and enticed to throw away what for some amounts to years of their lives, to spending time in a NON REAL ENVIRONMENT, expending one’s life energy on creating and animating “avatars” and illusory environments, when all our energies, efforts and innovative ideas are needed HERE, in the REAL WORLD, to help us transform our current reality into a future that is much more positive, peaceful and abundant for everyone. So I say, don’t call it “virtual reality,” because it’s NOT A REALITY AT ALL. What it is, is a Digital Illusory Environment (DIE). And if you waste your time there, you will definitely DIE. You will have wasted much of your life energy and your life-time, on something that is NOT REAL LIFE. You will have spent your life “DIE”ing. And what kind of life is that?

    • wrenchinthegears
      wrenchinthegears says:

      If you listen to the interview, Bush feels Gates is simply mis-guided and could be a turned to “good.” As far as I know Gates is not part of the BoA urban farm pilot. The Gates Foundation does support “Every Breath Counts,” a program supported by ICV, the umbrella organization where Bush manages his Human Resiliency Fund.

  14. S.D. says:

    Hello, Just now being introduced to this site and these articles. I see people addressing Alison, but I don’t see an author name for the article?

    Very well put together. The section you refer to not-for-profit and SDOH is spot on. I wonder if you have insight into how to change this? I believe many of the people working at that angle believe they are helping, especially from a prevention stand point, and making it seem to be a win/win scenario for the sick/poor/oppressed and the non-profit making money.

    I may have some influence in my small circle and I would love to hear how to transform this from being detrimental to being beneficial and genuine. Any insight is appreciated! I feel I’m missing this key piece!

    • alma tierra says:

      S.D., if you search the site more closely, you will find – somewhere on it – the name of the Wrench In The Gears website owner/researcher/writer: Alison McDowell. And welcome! I humbly and highly recommend that you go back to at least the beginning of 2020, to read all of Alison’s posts. They’re filled with insights which inspire many readers to then access our own inner wisdom about “how to change this.” In addition to reading all of Alison’s prior posts, I also encourage everyone to begin or to continue and deepen our dialogue with our own friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members, and especially with Auspicious & Serendipitous Acquaintances who “randomly” cross our paths. We will need to form and maintain strong, positive and honest connections with others, to create “affinity groups” and larger networks, so we can use the resulting aggregate power thus generated, to help and protect each other, and to cross-pollinate our individual and collective wisdom, which will enable us to find the ways out of the current Control & Destroy paradigm, and into a Positive World of Diverse Cultural Oases, where we successfully regain and exercise our Freedoms and live in health and peace with the Earth and all of life.

  15. dontlaughitspaidforfarm – Massachusetts – To call this a FARM is a bit of a stretch, and we hope that our posts don't make you retch! That said, we hail from chilly-ass north country, possibly Canada, but you don't need to know that, unless of course you know us, in which case you know where we actually are, so you need know nothing more. Knowledge is ostensibly power; in the hands of spammers, unwanted 3rd party ad-slingers, private investigators, or just plain scumbags, it's a ticket to cause ME trouble. That said, we begin: Somewhat late in the game, we transplanted with assistance from U-Haul®, (Thank You very much!) on Labor Day, 1998, having extricated ourselves from a bustling, bank-burgeoning metropolis somewhere on the continental United States. Goodbye, Banksters, hello pranksters - those ever-present wily rodents! Suffice to say this slightly more northern region has its share of practical obstacles, too, such as having to explain to folks which planet our tiny town is on, but what is life without a struggle? On the upside, we've got DSL - finally - mechanically inclined neighbors firewood aplenty, decent, untreated drinking water, reasonably fresh air, fantastically friable soil, non-congested streets free of speed bumps and, for the most part, stop signs. A 10-minute jaunt gets the jaunter access to a reasonable selection of Big-Box, grocery and auto parts stores, So when we've got time, we'll post here these snores! Hey, read 'em and weep - or ignore 'em and bleep; there's nothing in here that you'll need to keep! And though reading our stuff will not cause you harm; please don't laugh, it's paid for... this knock-down, drag out excuse for a farm! - The Editor
    Dave Hopkins says:

    Awesome! Phenomenal, and incredibly info-packed in the grand style we have come to love – and that can ONLY come from Alison! I just wish a LOT more people were listening. . .

  16. Amara Dreamer – Amara Dreamer is a Miracle Mentor for purpose-driven women who want to activate their expanded potential so they can live fully embodied, joyful, and prosperous lives. She is the creatress of the Starseed to Rose Prosperity Portal™. For the last four years, she has been helping women young and old to open to and express their heart’s song into the world through nature-based workshops, adolescent rites of passages, and coaching. She is also the co-founder of Wildheart Nature School, a program that has been tuning human awareness to Earth’s harmony in Central Oregon since 2011. Amara is initiated into ancient practices of living from the heart, creating with the natural cycle, and receiving guidance from the web of life. She has created a thriving business that sustains her, her husband, and other nature mentors in her community. Her presence awakens those around her to their place in the multi-dimensional universe, allowing them align with their highest expression as they venture forth on their journey.
  17. James D says:

    Thanks for much needed and enlightening open letter to Zach Bush. I was one of the many who was thinking that he was “sincere” in his efforts. Had the impression that he didn’t buy this Covid hoax. But I was mistaken. But did you see that creepy video he posted on his Instagram page on Jan the 8th? In it he is saying that we are in a “new era” or something like that when we all will be begin taking this transformtive vaccine. What propaganda. It is so creepy. One has to wonder if Klaus Schwab did’nt write it himself.

    • Justin Ezonthe F says:

      Wow,someone was telling me years ago about zachs ties with the n.w.o..he has symbolics on his personal website and it’s becoming clear now..I have ditched restore the supplement he sells and will encourage others to do the same. You are right very creepy

      • Shannon says:

        Yes, I would say Zack is actually a Luciferian. Hanging out with the likes of Danika Patrick, RFK and Al Gore is an absolute no no when one understands the people at that level are actually devil worshipers. That is the only way one can get to those positions of wealth and fame. Luciferians worship the creation and not the Creator, which is why all the save the earth stuff they speak of sounds so nice. Appreciate your comment on the symbolism, it is very true.

  18. TIA says:

    I actually emailed his website, & they sent me a link to his public response. I suggest you all emailblast him to let him know personally your thoughts and feelings. I’m surprised they even emailed me back! Thank you, Allison and others on this thread who help to wake up so many.💚

  19. Cindy Niles says:

    Speechless about your meticulous work and laser like prose. I feel like I’ve enrolled in a phD without finishing high school, but I’m making it my mission to catch up on the priceless information, knowledge and wisdom you impart generously and gracefully.

  20. Betsy Barnum says:

    Alison, I listened to an interview yesterday with Zach Bush in which he mentioned the “parking lot gardens” next to homeless shelters, and I was shocked. After hearing many talks and interviews by him, and that he feels soil is the key for health of the planet, I couldn’t believe my ears that he was behind a project for soil-less food production. And having heard your comments about that, probably in the interview with Sayer Ji but maybe some other video of yours, I was additionally horrified at him participating in this kind of activity related to impact investing.

    I so appreciate your tireless efforts to educate people, from regular folks like me to the people who are rising in almost celebrity status, especially those who mostly seem to be not in tandem with the forces of the great reset. I hope he listened and responded, or will. I am going to write to him as well, not an open letter as I don’t have a blog, but as someone who has been a fan, and has forwarded his interviews around quite a bit (as I have done with yours), I need him to not be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, with all of his talk about the sacredness of life. That kind of betrayal is worse than disappointing.

  21. Julie Konikoff
    Julie says:

    Listened to you with dr Cowan today and check out your blog and see this article and then get an email from wil falconer, who does the vital animal podcast he is offering a feee webinar with Zach bush about what happens last year – “If you’re truly interested in a perspective based in reality, not fear or profit, you won’t want to miss this.” This world! Thankful for your insight into this game.

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