Greater Reset III – Do You Stand With Those Promoting Digital Child Labor and Child Self-Ownership? What direction is “the resistance” taking?

made a short video tonight, because yesterday I decided to contact all of the people who were listed as speakers for Derrick Broze’s event The Greater Reset III to share with them his views supporting digital child labor, child “sovereignty” and self-ownership, and blockchain “play to earn” gaming targeting vulnerable youth in Mexico – Splinterlands, the game backed by a Singapore-based venture capitalist with ties to UN “poverty alleviation” efforts.

You can see the email I sent to each speaker. I managed to find contact information for about 29 of them. I said that I was  planning to talk about this event and wanted them all to know his position so they could decide whether or not they wanted to continue their association. I said that their continued involvement in the Greater Reset III would indicate to me that they were at least tacitly in support of his position on children being laborers in the global platform economy.
Today Derrick Broze made a Facebook post saying I was misrepresenting his viewpoints, which is not the case.
He did not own up to his position regarding children and ended with “If you have no idea what I’m talking about, good.”
One of his followers on Facebook then wrote to Derrick “Want me to get rid of her.” It turns out this person, Eric Mackie, had been arrested for armed attempted robbery in a Boston suburb in 2017. The comment stayed up for over 15 hours. Broze never responded when my friend Jason asked if Broze was ok with such threats of violence. (Update – in the hour after my video went out he responded “Sorry I don’t feel the need to condemn comments by random people on social media. Anyone who knows me and my work knows that I don’t support calls for vioelence.” Note time stamps.) This is the news story about the 2017 robbery. I made this six-minute video to document the situation in case something happens. I am compiling documentation in this blog post. The world we have entered is one where free DOM promoters incite vitriol and quietly condone threats of violence against mothers who speak out against blockchaining poor children for global free-market, crypto-gaming labor.

The person who threatened me on Derrick Broze’s post is claiming not to be the same Eric Mackie as in the arrest footage. Eric Mackie’s Facebook page features numerous images of the Squantum Yacht Club, which is in the Boston area. There is an Eric Mackie on Twitter listed as being in Quincy who is in his early 20s, which would match the age of the person in the footage. The features are very similar. It is possible there are two Eric Mackie’s in the Boston area in their early 20s with aggressive tendencies? I suppose it is possible, but in that case the man who threated to “get rid of” me should apologize for the distress he caused.

Yesterday I exchanged several emails with Catherine Austin Fitts. She has not yet told me how she plans to proceed. The only person who contacted me today was Danial Panzella who said after reading my blog post he still wasn’t clear what the issue was. I offered to talk with him. He hasn’t yet called me back. If any of the speakers are people you follow, I encourage you to reach out and press them on this issue. The wellbeing of children should be our primary objective. Putting them on blockchain so they can be pushed into Internet cafes for gamified digital piece work is not the future we should be fighting for. I’m sure most people in the Freedom Cell movement have no clue this is even a consideration. For that reason people must be made to know and they must be held accountable publicly for their choices and their silence when faced with this truth.
I sent this email to Catherine Austin Fitts this morning, Thursday January 6, 2021. This was the conclusion of a 22 email exchange over three days.
This is Derrick Broze’s position and some details about the financing of Splinterlands, the Morelia pilot.

This response by Broze just came out after I made the video.

Shared with me on Thursday January 6, 2021. All of the images regardin Brroze’s position were shared with Catherine Austin Fitts across multiple emails.

Speakers list below.
I did not contact Derrick Broze or John Bush, co-hosts.
I did not contact Kenny Palurintano who has already written a blog about Splinterlands and is the program manager for that in Morelia.

The following people I was unable to find contact information for: So / Below; Miriam Gomez (I belive is Broze’s significant other); Lukas and Ale; The White Rose; Alektra; Andres Bravo; and Mike Winner (I asked Sayer Ji to pass my request along).

23 thoughts on “Greater Reset III – Do You Stand With Those Promoting Digital Child Labor and Child Self-Ownership? What direction is “the resistance” taking?

  1. Mary Lin says:

    Once would-be “freedom” types get a whiff of crypto-get-rich quick, whatever ability they may have had to study and understand a complex picture with lots of players goes out the window. For Broze to understand your point he’d have to grasp a bunch of concepts that each take months or more to truly contemplate, like: What is actual sovereignty, and can a child declare him or herself to be so? How is a life spent playing Splinterlands for crypto cash, funded by UN/WEF social impact bonds creators, any different than a life spent building the Metaverse for crypto cash? (To understand this he’d have to understand what social impact bonds are a host of connected ideas in the pay to play, social credit surveillance state.) Also where exactly is the biophilia/regenerative/sustainable/socially and naturally connected aspect of a life spent in a creepy game online? How does any of this square with the “back to nature”, “exit and build”, sustainable intentional communities talk generated by Broze and co at their usual freedom events? None of this adds up. Useful idiots for the Cartel, or trojan horses — you decide. Not a bit of this is freedom.

    • kocotube01 začasni
      kocotube01 začasni says:

      I think that personal sovereignty cloak is used by the chain pushers to be able to more easily introduce the sovereign money that is pushed intensively to unsuspecting followers. The push for sovereign money is beneficial to the Central Bank since it introduces single-circuit money system in contrast to split-circuit system that is in use currently. The sovereign citizens, nudged into using sovereign money are unwittingly led to a upcoming system when transacting directly through the Central Bank will be mandatory. The Central Bank – in case of the single circuit – sees all transactions in real time and can control money flow in real time. Right now people stil participate in split-circuit money flow which limits the Central Bank to intervene in transactions directly. In split circuit the first flow consists of transactions between people’s bank acounts and the second is settlement flow between banks. Central Bank sees only the second flow and can’t interfere realtime with the first circuit flow.

  2. Michael says:

    None are so blind as they who will not see, Alison. Do not be deflected or dissuaded by trivial detractors from pursuing your arduous but vitally important mission. The virus of truth, like the biological version still sweeping around the word after two years, will eventually infect us all – thanks to a relative handful of intelligent and compassionate campaigners like your good self.
    Bless you for you for being smart enough to see what is really going on behind the COVID smoke and mirrors, and for having the indefatigable courage to insist on spreading the message – even to ears deafened by ingnorance and dulled by relentless, lying propaganda from our would-be technocratic masters.
    You are respected, admired and indeed loved by a lot of us you do not know and, unfortunately, will probably never get to meet – not least by this old guy.

  3. Mary Lin says:

    Please explain to me how kids sitting about online (in VR/AR headsets no doubt) building an adjunct to the Metaverse for crypto currency is biophilic, inclusive, connected, community oriented, and soul-enriching. I guess all that palaver from Broze and co. over these past months was just greenwash, a confidence trick to get one to think that whatever Broze gets behind, he means well.

    • Mary Lin says:

      Let me be clear — seems the VR/AR headsets are not part of this game – yet; and kids will not be actively coding an adjunct to the Metaverse; rather, teaching the AI how to code it ever more seductively towards their own enslavement, by their participation in a game that will capture millions of bits of data from them per minute.

  4. Terry says:

    Alison, would you be willing to write a post or do a video explaining why you think it’s so important not to share a stage with people with whom you disagree on certain topics?

    I’m guessing that many people think it’s ok to have different views or values than other speakers or event organizers, and that taking the opportunity to reach more people with their own views is for the greater good.

  5. Freelance_Philosopher says:


    It would seem this is the “kiddie-training-cartoon” version of the infamous “Microsoft Patent 2020-060606” that was carefully seeded into the mass consciousness in 2020, describing internal proprioceptive bio-sensors that generate crypto-currency upon detection of bodily task-completion by a humanoid bio-slave. It’s all about initiation and normalization of enmeshing one’s nervous system into the Machine. One suspects soon there will be glowing warehouses of little kids “improving their situation” via “Splinterlands” avatars, disintegrating their delicate egos into countless shattered psychic “splinters”.

    Broze’s argument that the kids are being given an “opportunity” to materially benefit could of course be used to justify inducements into prostitution, pseudo-medical experimentation, or any exploitive arrangement. (Washing windows strikes me as a whole lot less creepy, D-Bro!)

    I would also note that the musical acts at this Greater Reset III event are: Broze himself, under the stage name “33” (with its obvious masonic allusion), as well as another act “SO/BELOW”…another masonic allusion, as in the masons’ motto, “As above, so below.”

  6. AC says:

    The ‘You bore me, bro’ comment is a perfect paraphrase of why I’ve always warned about ‘Voluntarism’ just being another Trojan Horse for unfettered international fascism and communism, like Anarchism has served as in the past- having robust populist grievances and some practical moral fiber, but having no real ethical core or coherence beyond liberation theology, and ironically splitting into two Utopian communist camps (right-anarchism also believed, in its origins, in a final ‘Communist’ utopian state). You’ve highlighted bits about the ‘ethics of ambiguity’ and emergence of an ‘ethics merging with market fluidity,’ and this makes ‘anarchism’ a perfect candidate, because it is an empty-handed philosophy, for the most part- like a bunch of ideologies all running away from Neoliberalism, but on a treadmill, or hiding in a washing machine, and calling the movement ‘liberation.’ Meanwhile, the actual machine still keeps doing the same work. That ‘bro’ comment was Talmudism translated into blasé internet pseudo-dismissal. Libertarianism on Pilpul (and Kibbutz) amphetamines. That is what much of this ‘anarchopulco’ movement has/is leading to, so it is appropriate to ask, and as you did, call out, the perps just as people are now with similar suspects that were hired to sabotage the left- like Democracy Now, Counterpunch, The Young Turks, etc- all of whom were mostly farmed from the protests formed during occupy because of the 2008 Financial Coup and Sabotage of the DOJ, which still needs proper retribution (and redistribution).

    One thing I’ve noticed that may help, I believe, in your approach. You are one of the best out there, communication-wise, marshalling facts. You have a lot of charisma, yet I’d put you against anyone in your crowd for debate purposes (you took care of Naomi Klein pretty quickly). I’d actually love to see you debate/have more tough conversations like that, but it seems you are very busy. I remembered in one conversation, concerning an Indian friend of yours who passed (and had some great clips on YT), you talked about the revolutionary dances where the natives and christians were able to reconcile and build their symbologies together, as a form of resistance. I think this is a good direction, too. But there are some key obstacles that not only will be used there, but in Africa, anywhere these ‘Systems of dominance’ show up without being finally overcome. I think much of it is rooted in your field, Anthropology, where that meets ethics, psychology, and the massive ‘traumas’ associated with religious transformation (Especially Nature-Bound Polytheistic to Transcendent-Monotheistic, both of which are important, integral shifts in human history), tribal/self-subsistence (i.e. hunting, farming, etc), and using these ‘traumas’ to ‘regress’/retard or accelerate economies/cultures at will, while the ‘engineers’ of this manipulation remain a global group, composed of mainly a few million people, across a number of nations/continents (so having no stable allegiance, giving their class an ‘advantage’ so long as they hide this fact), operating through intelligence networks and laundering havens.

    I mention this because when they use certain strategies, they always weaponize them accordingly, into a kind of Ethnographic Geopolitics, often with religion, and now sexuality (LGBTQIA) involved as well. In your recent work, I’ve noticed you use the term ‘Global South’ a lot. This was a term which has its origins in none other than the Soros-Sphere of Geopolitics, which is a thing. He and his family operate through quite a complex system, which is at the top of the Democracy Alliance, giving them, the Pritzkers, and a few others dominance in left-wing politics in the US. And so they tend to dominate the ‘jargon of resistance’ in that sphere as well. I’m pointing this out because there is no ‘Global South.’ There is no one sitting around, talking about people south of the equator in some derogatory form. Yet when a construction like this is inserted, over and over, into the media, it becomes weaponized, pitting the ‘South’ against the ‘North,’ as in some Global Civil War- which would not be good for either, but definitely not for the South, unless someone like Soros and Co was also planning on arming them for some Ethnocentric Armageddon scenario. Sounds absurd, but it’s also right up their alley. I’ve also heard/read you using the terms ‘Black and Brown people’ quite a bit, as if those are just matter-of-fact, scientific facts/ideas of substance. They are no more scientific, or pertinent than ‘White People’ is, with none of them being sufficient to define ‘race’ as a category for over a hundred years- yet with Soros and Co on the move, such a strange, Evola-esque social construct has been possible. For instance- referring to Native Americans and Some North Africans as ‘Brown People.’ Those people have no relation on a biological level whatsoever, nor do hardly any of them have a significant religious affiliation, let alone an ethnic one (Native Americans are actual genetic Asians- their ‘Brown’ color is not sufficient to reveal this). This kind of broad-brush ‘colorizing’ of people is rife with this kind of ugly false equivalency, yet there is not enough smashing it down, upholding the truth of the matter. I’m only pointing this out because I think it will help if this general strategy/approach is changed/worked out, because not only is it wrong, inaccurate, it is a trojan horse for biological reductionism, for defining people based solely on a biological trait, which is also- important- rips them from ethics systems, family structures, and puts them in a perfect position to be re-weaponized (for say, a ‘woke’ NGO on VR) on the blockchain. It is, in a cruel twist of irony, a way that Soros has snuck in the thinking of Jared Taylor into ‘Left Wing’ resistance, only to use ‘Voluntarism’ to volunteer the market for it.

    1.) Pay attention closely to what Soros agenda is here, in these memos (and yes, he’s the face representing many interests, but that is important for these Gladio-Style ‘Open Society’ operations abroad, like in Africa)

    2.) Now this is very important, probably the ‘wrench in the gears’ to most of bad ‘left’ thinking right now. I don’t always agree with Jones, but here he really is on top of things, and like when people are often mavericks or say something that IS really ‘resistant’ to authority, it tends to be met with resistance on all sides. What he says is vital to to how we arrived at the current cultural discourse involving race/ethnicity/religion, and how this Jim-Crowe Esque language has been imposed on everyone to abstract them from their cultural roots except- drumroll- Jews. Ever notice that? Ever notice how there are Black, Brown, and White people, but none of that means anything in itself, and each is constantly changing definition, according to MEDIA (that is run by . . .)? Yet, what group claims it is ALL and NONE of these? Like a bad riddle. There are black jews, white jews, brown jews, asian jews- so they are the only group that gets a NET BENEFIT of political and economic power from this geopolitical game of ‘skin color abstraction.’ Jared Taylor is a scumbag- but if you can picture during this, just replace what he says with ‘woke’ arguments about ‘evil white people’ and ‘oppressed black and brown people,’ and they are literally the same format, which Jones dismantles entirely.

  7. kocotube01 začasni
    kocotube01 začasni says:

    I think that personal sovereignty cloak is used by the chain pushers to be able to more easily introduce the sovereign money that is pushed intensively to unsuspecting followers. The push for sovereign money is beneficial to the Central Bank since it introduces single-circuit money system in contrast to split-circuit system that is in use currently. The sovereign citizens, nudged into using sovereign money are unwittingly led to a upcoming system when transacting directly through the Central Bank will be mandatory. The Central Bank – in case of the single circuit – sees all transactions in real time and can control money flow in real time. Right now people still participate in split-circuit money flow which limits the Central Bank to intervene in transactions directly. In split circuit the first flow consists of transactions between people’s bank accounts and the second is settlement flow between banks. Central Bank sees only the second flow and can’t interfere real-time with the first circuit flow.

  8. KenshoHomestead – Creatively working toward self-sufficiency on the land.
    KenshoHomestead says:

    “If shit had value, the poor wouldn’t have asses.” I’m reminded now of this old (and faulty) adage. Of course, shit has always had value and was once collected and used on the fields. Now it will have value again, when all these poor child gamers have to make money as adults and all they know how to do is serve the digital beast, they’ll then be allowed to have their shit examined by their Smart toilet so they can have the $$ to pay for their prescribed treatments.

  9. Terry says:

    Alison, would you be willing to write a post or do a video explaining why you think it’s so important not to share a stage with people with whom you disagree on certain topics?

    I’m guessing that many people think it’s ok to have different views or values than other speakers or event organizers, and that taking the opportunity to reach more people with their own views is for the greater good.

    I think your explanation would be very valuable. Thank you.

    • Terry says:

      Following up again as I’m grappling with this issue … I admire your integrity and principles, Alison. We really need more of that in this world! This shouldn’t be followed with a ‘but’, but here it comes … If we had to agree with everyone we associate with, there wouldn’t be any conferences or gatherings at all and we wouldn’t have any friends. What’s the solution here? Sincere question. Thank you.

  10. Jeffrey+Strahl says:

    Libertarian philosophy (as per in the US, where the term is synonymous with “free market capitalism,” not a universal understanding of the term) sees everyone as voluntary, willing, equal participants in a free market, with the only problem being government and its interference. This is totally at odds with the real history, that of The Enclosures, which started in late Medieval England, and expanded to the rest of the world, still continuing to this day in many different forms, the latest of which is the Great Reset. The vast majority have been dispossessed, separated via highly coercive measures from the means of producing their subsistence needs, hence are not in a position to really consent to being wage slaves, dependent upon self-sale for a wage in order to survive. Thus, the way Derrick Broze sees kids is a natural outgrowth of this general philosophy of his, with kids being just people like anyone else, fully capable of consent, under no coercion whatsoever.

    And anyone who mistakes this for “anarchism” really has no idea of what the anarchist movement has stood for, historically, it has most certainly been a part of the resistance to The Enclosures and has advanced alternatives to the status quo. Perhaps you should pick up a copy of George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia and give it a reading. Or go over to and give some of the posts a reading.

    • washington sean – I do not consent. Nam tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet
      washingtonsean says:

      I appreciate your summary here. My gut reaction to his assertion that ‘children are sovereign’ was he fits the bill of a legitimate psychopath in the clinical sense of the word. But you have cast a different light on how his programming is allowing him to make a preposterous statement that taken to its logical conclusion clearly exposes children to all sorts of risks in both the physical environment (trafficking, exploitation, etc.) and the soul-mining enslavement of the Krampus-esque hell world of splinterlands.

      I subscribe to the type of anarchism as taught by Bruce “Utah” Phillips and as such, I recognize that children are not sovereign. They are in fact the property of the state (or, arguably some sort of corporate entity with the state as custodian). We are all property of the State and we are all victims of State Violence. I believe it is my job as a parent to DEFEND my child from State Violence until they are old enough to defend themselves.

      As an anarchist, I revoke consent and fight to reclaim my sovereignty and natural rights that were stolen.

    • Freelance_Philosopher says:

      I think you might be on the wrong track about Igan. Interestingly, Igan is expressly critical of Splinterlands. He raised this issue in a video, before the article we are commenting on here, and from what I see appears to be following and subscribing to the very argument made in wrenchinthegears’s first article about “Splinterlands.” He even uses the exact same images as that article did.

      (Discussion starts around 22min. Igan published this video on Dec. 24, just a couple days after the initial wrenchinthegears article.) Considering the large overlap between Igan’s and McDowell’s themes and topics, I strongly suspect he regularly follows her and relies on her for material. I would be greatly interested to know if he ever responded to her warning about appearing at “Greater Reset,” or responded to Broze’s role in any forum. (I don’t closely follow Igan so I easily might have missed it. In fact, I only just now discovered his Dec. 24 video linked above.)

  11. Sonny Skies says:

    Despite this disheartening blow to the unity of the truth and freedom communities, at least Alison’s followers and commenters are an intelligent bunch :-). Enjoying the conversation here. Looking forward to hearing about any further responses from Greater Reset speaker lineup.

  12. rossgopicotrain says:

    Most the purported opposition to the Kakistocracy (i.e., the speakers at ‘The Greater Reset) are, obviously, controlled opposition (i.e., ponds; useful idiots; limited hangouts; conduits for ‘the Revelation of the Method’; opportunists; cointelpro; spooks; etc.); with Corbett being a prime example: via both his acts of omission [viz. nary a note of enquiry into: Zionism; Sabbatean-Frankists; Chabad-Lubavitch; The Kalergi Plan; The Morganthau Plan; The Yinon Plan; The Protocols of the Elder Zions; The Dresden bombings; Holodomor genocide; Mossad; Unit 8200; human/child trafficking; organ trafficking; Satanism (i.e., Jewish Mysticism); The Talmud; The Bloomberg Philanthropies; The Birch Society; ADL; SPLC; The OSF; Alison McDowell’s works (i.e., SIB; HIB; geo-fencing; ‘cradle-to-career-learning’; ‘pay-to-play’; blockchain; etc.); geo-engineering; etc.; etc.]; and commission [i.e., Kindergarten, garden variety ‘conspiracy theories’ 101: 9/11; 7/7; 3/4; Bill Gates; The Rockefellers; ISIS; Osama Bin Laden; yadda, yadda, yadda!], the stream of consciousness is steered away from the larger issues/agendas at play in our world today. RGB-Y1 out!!

  13. haederpaul – United States – Writer, educator, sustainabilty advocate, social justice warrior, multiple college degrees, journalist, too. Works as an editor for projects.
    haederpaul says:

    An older piece, 2016, but spot on, even before corona crazies:

    Quoting one section:

    A glaring example of this comes from the National Network of Business and Industry Associations, a trade organization that represents major industry sectors and is sponsored by the Business Roundtable. Its members include the manufacturing, retail, health care, energy, construction, hospitality, transportation and information technology sectors; as well as venture philanthropists, including the Walmart Foundation.

    A 2014 policy publication put out by the Network titled, “Common Employability Skills: A Foundation for Success in the Workplace: The Skills All Employees Need, No Matter Where They Work,” proclaimed:

    “Today, employers in every industry sector emphasize the need for employees with certain foundational skills. This model can take its place as the foundation for all industries to map skill requirements to credentials and to career paths. In doing so, this model allows employees to understand the skills that all industries believe prepare individuals to succeed. Educators and other learning providers will also have an industry-defined road map for what foundational skills to teach, providing individuals the added benefit of being able to evaluate educational programs to ensure they will in fact learn skills that employers value.”

    These “industry-defined” skills include “applied skills” grounded in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM); along with basic reading and writing skills. This includes the capacity for critical thinking, similar to how a scientist or mechanic can hypothesize and work through concrete problem solving steps. As the National Network of Business and Industry Associations describes it, industry is also seeking “personal” and “people” skills that are akin to being a soldier, through training that fosters loyalty and discipline to a mission, where “integrity, initiative, dependability, adaptability, professionalism, teamwork, communication and respect” are ingrained. Workplace skills are naturally important too in terms of planning and “organization, decision making, business fundamentals, customer focus and working with tools and technology.” According to the company New World of Work, the development of these skills via “personalized learning” promises to efficiently determine which students will be “the solopreneurs of tomorrow” with the understanding that:

    Gone are the days of the 40-year career with a guaranteed pension. The workplace of today and tomorrow is not necessarily a place at all. It is a virtual nexus of collaborators across the globe with varied projects; requiring different skill sets at different times. Tomorrow’s workers will need to be agile, financially savvy, entrepreneurial in their approach to work and how to market themselves to the world, resilient, and comfortable in their own self-understanding.

    This vision of “tomorrow’s” workforce is not intended for everyone of course, only those who will “add value” to the cultural political economy of global finance. Within this landscape, the deceptive market-based empowerment discourse of personalization, self-determination and choice are deeply embedded. Yet this model is insidiously akin to students being mice within a Skinnerian lab’s maze, forced to find their own way to one predetermined exit, while being monitored and evaluated the entire way. Those who have the right “hard” and “soft” skills to make it through the maze are deemed to be superior and allowed to live, while those who do not are deemed to be disposable. Ultimately, within the digitized personalized and competency-based model of education, the immense capacity for tracking and sorting students would make early social control theorist Edward Ross and social efficiency guru John Franklin Bobbitt burst with envy. Especially in that the ideologies of Social Darwinism and Eugenics are fundamentally embedded throughout.

    As far back as 2000, a Bloomberg posting, titled “The Explosion in E Learning,” claimed, “Dozens of new companies are springing up to serve the emerging K-12 market for digital learning. Investors have poured nearly $1 billion into these companies since the beginning of 1999, estimates Merrill Lynch.” In 2005 a national Data Summit was convened by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the US Department of Education to kick off a Data Quality Campaign, a concerted national strategy “to improve the quality, accessibility and use of data in education.” Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and managed by the National Center for Educational Accountability (a pioneering education reform data company), the summit was attended by a who’s who of private sector education reform companies, who committed to “working together to… encourage and support state policymakers to: ‘Improve the collection, availability and use of high-quality education data, and Implement state longitudinal data systems to improve student achievement.’”

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