Steam Punk Squirrel Steganography – Information Theory, Art, and Discovery On A Walk In The Woods

Can you summarize your recent research into a single sentence?

That was the emailed request.

“Tagged archetypal cybernetic avatars team up to forage for contextualized information (qualia) in interdimensional “space” and bring it back to be collectively processed (composted?) in a globally-networked “gut brain.” This novel “brain,” managed through precision nutrition, uses quorum sensing and token-engineered consensus (Ethereum’s Consensys) to adjust a shared topological game board, which in turn performs some collective calculation or puzzle solving task that appears to have been delegated to us, as a highly-evolved distributed intelligence, from a source outside our shared layer of space/time.”

Ok, I ended up breaking into into two sentences, because the first run-on attempt was just too tricky.

The requestor didn’t understand my response.

I cannot insert the knowledge of my unique lived experience into any person’s consciousness, nor would I want that. Everyone has a road of discovery to walk. I’m not done with my journey yet, so don’t pressure me to commit to one final theory of what is happening.

The video below describes a recent visit I made to a botanic garden on Lake Hamilton just south of Hot Springs, Arkansas. There I encountered a steampunk squirrel sculpture in a $1.8 million “children’s treehouse” on a former tract of cut-over timber.

My assessment is that the mountain-climbing adventure squirrel and his sidekick the skydiving cardinal are encoded artefacts. When examined (mentally unlocked like the bronze acorns in the squirrel’s satchel and around the tree trunk) with curiosity in the larger context of information flows from a podcast shared with me earlier that day, a view opened onto a vast landscape of ideas about information theory, choice, the social physics of self-assembly, morphogenetic fields, and the realization of human potential.

My video concludes with a half hour where I discuss the ideas that welled up during that excursion and how they intersect with ASU astrobiologist Sara Walker’s recent conversation with Lex Fridman.

Poke around and see what you find in your corner of the world. I found deep time artefacts, synesthetic communication, and fairy houses sitting on quartz crystals.


Playlist of select clips from Ian Carroll’s interview with RFK Jr.’s vice presidential running mate and AI legal technologist Nicole Shanahan here.


Playlist of select clips from Lex Fridman’s recent podcast interview with ASU astrobiologist here.


3 thoughts on “Steam Punk Squirrel Steganography – Information Theory, Art, and Discovery On A Walk In The Woods

  1. Christine says:

    Fair play to you even trying to answer. I’m obv not as patient or kind a person and suggest perhaps a question back might have been, well if you can pay attention to any of my videos long and often enough to understand it and be able to give back the sense of any part of it in a small paragraph, I’ll have a go. I’m a bit testy at the moment. Thanks again for your incredible research and synthesis. So much food for thought and very much appreciated.

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