Auto-Tuned Biofields and Curious Ontopoesis

This week Stephers came across a document that was put out by the Consciousness and Healing Initiative in 2020 with financial support from Jason Youtopolous (former head of SAP Global Research) with the Emerald Gate Foundation, the Walker Family Foundation (Jeffrey C. Walker formerly of JP Morgan, MIT Media Lab, Berklee School of Music and Board Chair of New Profit) and Tom Dingledine (oil exploration, UVA, and Wake Forest University donor).

Subtle Energy and Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice, and Future Directions” is a systems change plan to implement standards, evidence collection, and technology development that will restructure loosely networked healers and body workers into a global investment market. I believe those markets will, in turn, manage human psyches and etheric fields in the name of “health,” “wellbeing,” and “self-care” through telemedicine. The ultimate goal is to replace healers with apps linked to blockchain health records / digital twins, optimizing agents in the simulation and facilitating noetic convergence.

Bobby and Nicole’s promotion of AI-mediated healthcare and Web3 to address our nation’s chronic health “emergency” would dovetail nicely with such an effort. Remember, RFK Jr. gave a keynote speech at the 2008 Omega Institute conference in Rhinebeck, NY on the importance of water to carbon-neutral sustainable living.

I anticipate new markets in digital alternative medicine will be hooked up to pay for success finance deals and programs like John Pollak’s CommonHealth Wellcoin effort based out of Cornell-Technion. With JP Morgan and Silicon Valley venture capital involved, how could it not? Oh, and a major funder is the Rob and Melani Walton Foundation. Rob is worth $61 billion as the former chair of Walmart. His sister, Alice, is working closely with Deepak Chopra on community wellness and mindfulness as well as public art.

As with the field of education, my point of entry into the matrix, it seems human involvement will be gradually minimized in favor of automated systems. Touch will be studied and mirrored into AI assistants where sensors and actuators (sound, light, and haptics) end up embedded into spatial computing where they can facilitate our creative human potential as parallel processors in the networked collective, the digital commons as shared computational game board.

Human agents in the “game” remade as gooey, foraging nodes of slime mold in the name of democracy, free markets, and the American way if you are conservative. If you’re an NPR progressive / leftist, then your story will be that we need Web3 digital alternative health to uplift indigenous culture, stop capitalism, and save the planet from the Anthropocene. These folks have enough money to buy all the stories, and they know what each of us wants to hear. They’ll know even more once they use the alternative health space, keepers of etheric bodies, to bring us under their engineered dome. 

The two-hour talk below starts with a thought experiment I’ve been having about Web3 possibly being a “language” to interface with energetic elemental beings in a different layer of information space. I need to do more looking into Gurdjieff’s “law of three” and carbon (wallets) signifying action. The language may actually be envisioned as a vehicle for group manifestation into our shared information realm. Yes, I know that sounds highly unusual, but the more research I do the more I realize that high-level physics is not so far off spiritualism. Given all the money that the US military has spent in these areas over the past century makes psychical research hard to discount.

In the talk below, I touch on the movie “Arrival” and Thomas Mayer’s book “Answering the Call of the Elements.” Mayer is an Austrian teacher of Anthroposophic meditation who engages with elementals and has spent several decades working in direct democracy and positive Swiss money systems. Sure sounds to me like token engineering and gamified protocol layers may be a planned communication infrastructure. I then describe several serendipitous experiences I have had in Arkansas over the past month – not really synchronicities, more in the line of ontopoetics, a term I just learned but am enjoying playing with in the context of Wheeler’s participatory universe and Basil Hiley’s non-commutative active information fields. Recent pics are included in the presentation and below. Who knows, there may be some clues I need to refer to later.



If you feel like it, once you’re done with the talk and have browsed the document, consider Michael Levin’s discussion of manipulating bioelectrical fields. My sense is the biofield / AI electroceutical program mediated by AI / Blockchain smart contracts is meant to facilitate the emergence of a global soul-based computational superorganism.

Photos from the presentation – a glimpse into my Arkansas world:

Alsopp Park in Little Rock, AR

“Is this a space odyssey”

Petit Jean State Park near Morilton, AR

Asphalt Beach on Greers Ferry Lake and Sugarloaf Mountain Trail, Heber Springs, AR

Hot Springs National Park in Hot Springs, AR

SOMA (South Main) Arts District, Little Rock, AR





14 thoughts on “Auto-Tuned Biofields and Curious Ontopoesis

  1. Jon says:

    Greetings from Heber Springs, AR and welcome to the Natural State!!! Looks like you were just here in Cleburne County for a visit. Have many thoughts on this strange little town after relocating here to family land left by my grandfather when he passed. There is much under the surface here in this little state.

    Though, I’ve been aware of your work for a while, it’s just been the past few weeks that I’ve really been digging deep into your channel and blog. And, I was so very pleasantly surprised to learn of your move to AR. I for one am thrilled to know there is another mind willing to hold space for this material roaming these hills!!!

    Came to your work through Emily Moyer and Jeff Gates and very grateful to have found you. Lemme know if you ever need any recs or support as you continue getting settled. Always grateful to connect with a like minded soul, especially given that it’s like finding a needle in a haystack these days.

    Check out the Root Cafe down on South Main in LR if you haven’t yet. ‘Tis delish!!!

    • wrenchinthegears says:

      How fun! Yes, I was just in Heber Springs. I need to get a bath suit. The water looked wonderful. Those cliff jumps on Army Corps land – this isn’t the “nanny state,” lol. I would love to connect. Maybe you can email me your contact info to I am really loving it here. It’s a total enigma wrapped in a riddle.

  2. B. Sadie Bailey says:

    Alison, you never cease to amaze and educate! I don’t know why but this latest post scared me. Well I do know why… because I think you are hot on the trail as usual, getting down to the roots of this, even though there is so much I don’t understand. Will listen to your talk – am kind of behind on cyberspace videos, but your work and your insights are too important not to attend.

    Love Love Love your photos and the connections you make with how, and what, you See, with your intuitive eye. What a charming place, full of history and mystery is AR. Made me so homesick for eastern forests, great art and architecture, that natural world – but through your eyes, one really begins to see all the messages hidden everywhere. Thank you! Makes me want to come visit. Washington State has been my home of over 45 yrs (originally from the ‘burbs of Phila.) Happy to see your nature Heart offerings continue to delight and bring love to everyplace you visit.

    I think my big questions are, how to keep healers from falling for this crapola and instead, staying independent? It’s getting rarer and rarer to get that human connection anywhere but in person. This will only get worse. This whole technocracy and ‘printable’ 3-d matrix scares the shit out of me but also, I want to know – so as to not be captured by it against my will. Thanks for shining your light and sharing your fine mind and heart with us.

    I see you are already finding allies in Ar! You will find Family wherever you go. Deep respect and highest regard for you, Alison! May the Molecules and Muses guide and protect you always.

    • wrenchinthegears says:

      To be honest, the more I am learning about how we engage with information fields, the more I realize the only thing we have control over is how we interact with them ourselves. We can’t really get anyone else to engage with information the way we engage with it. But, if the entire universe is participatory and mutable, perhaps our own clarity and curious exploration will suffice. Thanks for the positive feedback. It means a lot. This was never a journey I expected to take, but if I’m honest with myself it has been rather fun so far.

  3. B. Sadie Bailey says:

    ps. though i love WA it still never has felt like home, even after all these years and so many good and wonderful people throughout my time here.

    • wrenchinthegears says:

      Which side of the state are you in? Washington State has an outsized role in the drama – both forests in the west and hydro in the east. Have you ever read Lee Maracle’s “Celia’s Song”? You might enjoy it. I want to re-read it.

      • B. Sadie Bailey says:

        Thanks for responding, Alison – what an honor! I’m in Western Wa up in the San Juan Islands and there is a lot of stuff going on in the forests – especially the Olympic forest as concerns the military as you know -and all the hydro ‘green new deal’ crap, west and east. Plus the Salish Sea is full of nuke ships and oil, coal, and fracked gas exports. we have the Growlers, laser warfare; yes, we’ve got it all! I will look up that book you recommend and see if the library can order it for me. Nowadays you have to order books inter-library or read or listen to digital/audio books. I want to learn more about WA’s outsized role in the drama!

          • David Crandall says:

            Hi Alison – just watched your Tucson presentation Part 1 again, and again was inspired but had to stop for breath. Watching you always leaves me grappling for how to get a handhold that’ll move me forward vs remaining too perplexed to act. Took me to scrolling down to other presentations and got to your reference to Sean and is location in southern WA. I’m just across the river in OR since 2010 and am a retired/widowed educator and non-profit founder/leader working in K-12 school improvement for fifty years. That’s why I’m writing on this site. In Portland I got involved with a group of ed advocates pushing against the dominance of standardized testing and corporate reform as well as with another group that got a major new preschool initiative going in the metro Portland area. Anyway, since you’re now in Arkansas the likelihood of connecting in person is slim but maybe Sean could help. I’m trying to reconcile my intuitive attraction to your work and its warnings with my belief that a lot of the action in preschool could actually be beneficial while maybe being part of the “invisible” spread toward the digital future controlled by the “they” slime. Perhaps Sean [or you] could reach out to me for further exploration of how I can convert my confusion into more focused action. Thanks, David

  4. B. Sadie Bailey says:

    sorry for my third comment, Alison – after listening to your talk today, I had a simple question; all of these big philanthropic organizations and companies- has anyone done research on who their shareholders are? I’m sure you have and have probably mapped them! I’m just curious if the top shareholders are Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, ETC. I’m sorry if this question is so old and irrelevant but it made me wonder. All these foundations… you mention JP Morgan… you’re so on it. I cannot believe the amount of dots this connects with the people involved at the top. And these are in the top ten global shareholders, even though I don’t know who ‘they’ are – the top people. Just ignore if this is too elementary. I’m late to this all but trying to get it. I’ll keep listening, reading. Thanks.

    • wrenchinthegears says:

      The more research I do, the more I sense that these big companies are really placeholders for perhaps very old archetypal fields. For identifying the “they” generally amounts to finding a location to assert blame, and for now I’m not going to spend my energy on that (so many others are focused in that space). I sort of tongue-in-cheek identify “they” as the interdimensional biofilm for now. In the end, that may be closer to the truth than BlackRock. Likely none of us will “know” until we get to the other side, if then.

  5. May Hem says:

    Seems to me that they’re using a lot of fancy words with one meaning – to separate us from our bodies, our feelings and from Nature. Impossible. Their attempts become more pathetic and ridiculous. I have to laugh!

    • wrenchinthegears says:

      No, I don’t think that’s it. I think that’s your projection and over simplification to make yourself feel as if you know it all already. My analysis is focused on the importance of distributed embodied intelligence to catalyzing and processing emergent behavior. If you need a simpler story, you can find that many other places online.

  6. Rodrigo says:

    Look what Laurance Rockefeller protégée, Irwin William Thompson, has to say about Rudolf Steiner’s book “cosmic consciousness” in a chapter of his book “Coming Into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness”:

    «Steiner’s vision is one in which humans are deeply embedded in the whole natural history of the planet and the solar system. And he’s right. The biosphere is an extended body politic; properly speaking, it is part of our incarnation. Like a flame that requires an atmosphere, we require Gaia. Steiner is an amazing visionary, but if one becomes a fundamentalist follower of his, an Anthroposophist constantly intoning “Der Doktor hat gesagt,” then one destroys the spirit with the letter of literalism.»

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