AI Wellness + Tokenized Democracy = Game B: Will The Health FreeDOM Community Buy Into Bobby’s BS?

In between packing and getting my third and final UHaul round ready this weekend, I managed to put together a selection of clips touching on RFK Jr.’s blockchain / token habit and automated Stanford law specialist Nicole Shanahan’s plans to data mine precision health systems, an effort that will underpin quantified self social impact bonds and global ant computer operations. Last night after stopping for the night in Staunton “Game B – Eugenics – Woodrow Wilson” Virginia, I did an overview of the themes covered in the clip compilation, to make the concepts clearer. After speaking out against blockchain digital ID for four years, it makes me ill to see the manufactured “hero” that is Camelot Bobby pushing blockchain government, crypto, and AI / machine learning for social good. The health freeDOM – biohacking community IS Game B. So many are already totally invested in playing the game, even as they imagine themselves to be the rebels. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it, but it’s lonely looking at the world from this vantage point. 

PS: If you want to better understand my concerns around Bobby’s planned blockchain budget, check out some of my old blog posts. The first goes into Michael Bloomberg’s plans for “what works” data-driven government along with a public presentation I did at Wooden Shoe Books in Philadelphia in the summer of 2019. The second touches on token engineering and participatory “democracy.”



We have to start to wrap our minds around the idea that the AI automated smart contract law that Shanhan specializes in is actually about running cyberphysical / sociotechnical systems. Sergey Brin’s father Michael, was a specialist on complex dynamical systems. We as agents will knowingly or unknowingly participate in managing the game board for emergent behavior via governance tokens. THESE are the ideas more people need to start educating themselves about and discussing. 


Cyberphysical Systems and Choice Link


What Works Government Link



Tokenized Participatory Governance Link



Link to Moneyball Government Slide Deck – May 2019




5 thoughts on “AI Wellness + Tokenized Democracy = Game B: Will The Health FreeDOM Community Buy Into Bobby’s BS?

  1. chckadee123 says:

    I fully awoke to the unfolding privatization nightmare in 2003 after having read Maude Barlow’s Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water. It was just the beginning of that particular totalitarian tip toe. I’m grateful to have come across your work in 2020, you have filled in critical details. Thank you, Alison, for continuing to be such a bright, loving, and authentic beacon of compassion and wisdom.

  2. Freedom Fox says:

    Cautions of using Science to govern from sixty years ago:

    Law and Behavioral Science by Walter Berns
    Law and Contemporary Problems (Duke Law School), Winter, 1963

    (the first 14 pages – p186-198 – are an exercise in judicial game theory, the legal and philosophical reasoning struggle with applying behavioral science as a legal governing system is in the remaining 14 pages – p199-212)

    Berns also wrote about pseudosciences, eugenics, touching on applied behavioral science to control, rule and eradicate people, the practice of eugenics:

    Buck v. Bell: Due Process of Law by Walter Berns
    Political Research Quarterly, December 1, 1953
    [Still the law of the United States of America, tweaked in Oklahoma v Skinner, upheld as recently as 2001]

    Cautions about rebranded eugenics today. It misses the biggest dangers, but touches on many that get you thinking:

    Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test: Putting
    Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century
    Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020

    • wrenchinthegears says:

      Genetic algorithms, fitness landscapes, and social physics are not pseudoscience. As I keep stating people do not understand the weapons being used – the military is the largest funder of behavioral science research. Most people are not understanding the eugenics landscape – moving forward it will be less about racialized forced sterilization and moreso an extension of the human potential movement where melanin and neurodiversity are assets in biological signaling and pattern recognition. Your focus on “ruling and eradicating people” shows me that you have not yet integrated the role of complexity, emergence, and choice theory. To be honest at this point I’m exhausted at even trying to get people to do their homework.

      • wrenchinthegears says:

        Remember JB Rhine as based at Duke – parapsychology and the participatory universe via token engineering. Not sure there will ever be enough people up to speed to have a decent conversation about this stuff.

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